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mbrowse Graphical SNMP MIB browser
mcast-tools IPv6 multicast routing daemons and tools
md-whois Improved whois client
mDNSResponder Apple's mDNS responder
mDNSResponder-nss Apple's mDNS responder - NetBSD nsswitch module
megatools Command line client for
microdc2 Console-based DirectConnect client
mikutter Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
mimms MMS (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
miniupnpd UPnP IGD service with NAT-PMP support
miredo Teredo IPv6 tunneling
mirror Mirror packages on remote sites
miruo Pretty-print TCP session monitor/analyzer
mitmproxy Interactive console program for inspecting and editing traffic flows
mldonkey Free peer-to-peer client with eDonkey support and more
mldonkey-gui Free peer-to-peer client with eDonkey support and more (GTK interface)
modpcap Command line utility to modify pcap capture files
mono-nat C# library for uPnP management
monotorrent Open source bittorrent library
monsoon Open source GTK+ bittorrent client
mosh Remote terminal application which allows roaming
mouse-pppoe PPP over Ethernet program by der Mouse
mping Mping network statistics collector
mppe-lkm NetBSD kernel module for MPPE compression with PPP
mrstat Track load and number of users on specified hosts
mrt Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit
mrtg The Multi-Router Traffic Grapher
msdl Media stream downloader
mtftpd Open-loop multicast TFTP server
mtr Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
mydns-mysql MySQL-based DNS server
mydns-pgsql PostgreSQL-based DNS server
nagios-base Network monitor
nagios-nrpe Nagios remote program execution daemon
nagios-nsca Remote/passive network service for nagios
nagios-plugin-dnsrbl DNSRBL monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dotpid /var/run/*.pid monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dumpdates /etc/dumpdates monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-fstab Mount points and swaps monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-gfbricks GlusterFS bricks monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-ldap Nagios ldap plugin
nagios-plugin-milter Milter monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-mysql Nagios mysql plugin
nagios-plugin-mysqlslave MySQL and MariaDB slave monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-pgsql Nagios pgsql plugin
nagios-plugin-radius Nagios radius plugin
nagios-plugin-raidctl RAIDframe monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-snmp Nagios snmp plugins
nagios-plugin-spamd Nagios plugin for monitoring the SpamAssassin daemon
nagios-plugin-syncrepl LDAP replication monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugins Nagios plugins
nagstamon Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop
nam The UCB/LBNL Network Animator
nap Terminal based Napster client similar to ircII
napshare Fully featured Gnutella P2P client made to run 24/7 unattended
nasd Prototype storage implementation
nbtscan NetBIOS name network scanner
ncftp3 FTP replacement with advanced user interface
nemesis Nemesis is a command-line UNIX network packet injection suite
net-snmp Extensible SNMP implementation
net6 Networking library for C++
netatalk22 Netatalk appletalk file and print services
netatalk30 Netatalk AFP file services
netbsd-iscsi-initiator NetBSD's iSCSI initiator (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netbsd-iscsi-target NetBSD's iSCSI target (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netcat Read and write data across network connections
netcat-openbsd Arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
netcat6 Network swiss army knife
netdisco Open Source web-based network management tool
netgroup Netgroup membership listing and testing functions
netname Return the canonical network name of a host
netpipes Utilities for communicating via sockets
nfdump Tools to collect and process netflow data
nfsbug (V) NFS security verification suite
ngrep Network grep
nicotine Client for soulseek, a peer-to-peer network for music
nicovideo-dl Download videos from
nidentd IPv4, IPv6, NAT, fake, and random supporting identd
nipper Performs security audits of network device configuration
nload Monitoring network traffic and bandwidth usage
nmap Network/port scanner with OS detection
nocol Extensible network and system monitoring utility
nprobe Monitor a network interface and generate NetFlow data
ns The UCB/LBNL Network Simulator Version 2
nsd Authoritative-only DNS server
nslint Perform consistency checks on DNS zone files
nstx Nameserver Transfer Protocol
ntop Shows network usage (similar to top for processes)
ntp4 Network Time Protocol Version 4
ocaml-curl (V) OCaml bindings to the CURL library
ocaml-ipaddr Library for manipulation of IP and MAC addresses
ocamlnet Library focusing on application-level network protocols (OCaml)
ocsinventory-agent Keep track of the computers configuration and software
ocsync File synchronization program for OwnCloud
oidentd Configurable IDENT server that supports NAT/IP masq
oinkmaster Manage snort rule updates
omniNotify CORBA Notification Service
opal (V) Open Phone Abstraction Library
openafs (V) File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration